Aviation Organizations
Wildfire Safety Guide
In California, wildfires are a part of life. Unfortunately, living among these wildfires can be quite stressful for homeowners and people in those areas. For more information on how to prepare for these wildfires and everything a person needs to know, check out this wildfire safety guide.

Pilots And Paws
Pilots N Paws is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our site is intended to be a meeting place for volunteers engaged in the valuable services of rescuing, sheltering and adopting animals, and volunteer pilots and plane owners willing to assist with animal transportation.

CAP Squadron 36
Squadron 36, proudly located in San Jose, California, San Francisco Bay Area, is a local unit of the Civil Air Patrol. We are part of San Francisco Bay Group 2 and California Wing. We are located at the Reid-Hillview Airport.

Civil Air Patrol
Welcome to California Wing! If you are visiting this page to learn more about Civil Air Patrol (CAP) California Wing, who we are and what we do, you have come to the right page.

Angel Flight West
At no cost to passengers, our volunteer pilots transport people in need to the medical care they deserve.

CalDART, The California DART Network, is building a statewide network of local Disaster Airlift Response Teams (DARTs) to improve California’s disaster resilience in the face of earthquakes, floods, mudslides and other events which may impair regional surface transportation. DARTs utilize a common operating model and are located at airports around the state.

Cal Fire
The Department of Forestry and Fire Protection serves and safeguards the people and protects the property and resources of California.

South County Airport Pilots Association
Preserve the South County Airport Improve community relations Participate in any planned growth Enhance flying safety Promote fellowship among pilots and aviation enthusiasts

Santa Clara 99
The Ninety Nines is the world’s largest and oldest organization of licensed women pilots. As women pilots we all share a common interest and accomplishment—Flight!

Santa Clara County Airmen's Association
SCCAA is a social club for people who enjoy flying general aviation aircraft and other aviation-related activities.